Hieronder vindt u de algemene gebruiksvoorwaarden van het bedrijf.
Inspire Medical Systems, Inc.
5500 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 1600
Golden Valley, MN 55416
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (USA)
Telefon: +1 763-205-7970
Fax: +1 763-537-4310
E-Mail: [email protected]
(hierna ook wel "Inspire Medical Systems, Inc." of "ons" of "wij" of "ons" of "onze" of soortgelijke).
The data protection conditions of Inspire apply.
Inspire has developed the products defined in Attachment 1, including product description and other specifications. This list is subject to Inspire product adjustments in the interest of general sales policies. The status of the list is relevent at the point in time when the (individual) contract is concluded.
II. Single Delivery Contract
Products are acquired through single delivery contracts.
III. Delivery/Transfer of Risk
IV. Retention of Ownership
V. Warranty
VI. Product Liability
VII. Regulatory Specifications
Inspire will comply with the regulatory specifications applicable to it as a medicinal product manufacturer, particularly those requirements arising from the Medical Product Act and Inspire will also maintain the necessary approvals for distributing contract products in the contract region. Specifically, Inspire operates a quality management system certified in accordance with ISO 13485.